Dialogue: Introduction! with Qafka

One day in a sunny day, Qafka walked through the park while texting his friends by using his phone. He is not paying attention to his surrounding until he accidentally hit a stranger in front of him.

(Dhafin stands while enjoying the park view)
(Qafka hit Dhafin very hard until he make himself and his phone fell to the ground)

Dhafin: "Ouch! Hey!"
Qafka: "Oh my God!" (falls down)
Dhafin: (surprised) "Oh dear! Are you okay?" (helping Qafka to stand up)
Qafka: (pat his head) "Ouch... Yeah, I'm okay..."
Dhafin: "Here, take a seat..." (guiding Qafka to sit on the bench near them)
(Dhafin tries to calm Qafka down for a few seconds)
Dhafin: "Are you alright now?"
Qafka: "Uhh... Yes, I think so... but..." (grab his phone and try to turn it on)
Qafka: "No! My phone is broken!" (sad)
Dhafin: "Hey, relax... Take it easy. By the way, My name is Dhafin. What is your name?"
Qafka: "Uhh... My name is Qafka. Just call me Qafka."
Dhafin: "Okay, Qafka... Where are you from? I'm from Cilegon."
Qafka: "I'm from here, from Bandung. Wow, Cilegon is quite far."
Dhafin: "Yeah, You are right. It's very nice to meet you."
Qafka: "Yeah, Nice to meet you too. I'm am a high school student. What are you doing in Bandung?"
Dhafin: "I'm studying here. I'm also a high school student. Right now, I'm in the tenth grade."
Qafka: "What!? We're in the same grade! Where do you attend your school?" (curious)
Dhafin: "SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. One of the best national school in Bandung."
Qafka: "What!? Don't be silly. I'm also studying there."
Dhafin: "No way! No wonder you look familiar to me."
Qafka: "Me too! Well, what's your classroom?"
Dhafin: "My classroom is X Science 9, what about you?"
Qafka: "Wow, your class is on the third floor. Mine is X Acceleration Class. Just a few months again until I promoted into the eleventh grade."
Dhafin: "Amazing! Good luck, hope your exam test run well. Unfortunately, I have plenty of homework to do..." (sighs)
Qafka: "Well, it's fine. I know you can pass this smoothly."
Dhafin: "I hope so...(smile) Oh no! I just remember, I need to print my work for tommorow's subject! Got to go!"
Qafka: "Okay, see you next time."


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