Tuan Dirga: An Independence Day Competition

Did you know that Indonesia is already 72 years old? I bet that some of you have already know. This time, I want to tell you about my experience when celebrating my first Independence day in Senior High. In Saturday, 19th of August 2017, my school held a competition named Tuan Dirga, which celebrate Indonesia's 72nd Independence Day. We came early in the morning, and we are divided into several groups. Each groups contains 2 classes who will compete each other in certain games. My class, Science 9 had to compete with Science 1.

The first game was 'bakiak race'. I participated in the first round of bakiak race and we won. But Science 1 offered a rematch. And the second round was done by the girls of both classes. On the second round, my class lost the race. And because of that, we had to move to the third round. Third round was not so good, my class once again lost the race, and that means Science 1 have won the 'bakiak race' game.

The second game was called 'boi-boi-an'. This game is a little bit complicated to be explained so I'm going to tell you about the result of this game. The game ended with a tie. Neither Science 9 nor Science 1 get a score. The next game was 'tarik tambang'. I knew that most of you have already familiar with this game. Unfortunately, my class lost the game again. Science 1 students have bigger body than most of the Science 9 students, and they are very strong.

The fourth game, I forgot the name but it was a kind of 'gobak sodor. And the game ended with a tie, but because Science 1 went more far than my class, the committee decided that the winner of this game is Science 1. The last game was 'creating yel-yel' and in my opinion, my class's 'yel-yel' was better than Science 1's.

After all the game have ended, we were entertained by 'Band Tiga' who performed some songs. The event was closed with the giving of prizes for classes that have won the game. Although my class didn't win the game, we could know other class better, and we were having so much fun with Science 1.


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