Exercise: Announcement Text

Activity 1
Text 1
-Opening/Found/Title: HELLO GEORGETOWN

-Contents/Found/Information of the month and their company information: We’re bringing you a bigger and better location, with more of what you love about our women’s men’s and weddings & party collections and the introduction of our Ludlow Suit Shop.


In the meantime, stop by our current J. Crew Store located just a few doors down on M Street or shop JCREW.COM (it’s open 24/7).
-Closing/Found/Contact detail: For hiring opportunities, email georgetown@jcrew.com.

Text 2
-Opening/Found/Title:CALL FOR PROPOSALS
(Fund by the European Commission)

-Contents/Found/Tell what are the things that going to be studied:The ongoing outbreaks of H5N1 Avian Influenza in Indonesia have had a significant impact. Since August 2003, more than 10 million livestock have been affected and the H5N1 virus has crossed the species barrier resulting in at least 135 confirmed human cases with 110 deaths. Moreover, the potential exists for the H5N1 Avian Influenza virus to trigger a human pandemic.

Research on clinical disease, virology and epidemiology of H5N1 in Indonesia is needed to understand the ecology and variability in transmission to human. To foster essential research, WHO requests for proposal that will then be evaluated through a review process. The awards will then be made to compentent researchers and institutions focused on research of local scientists and public health professionals. Areas for research include:

1. Studies of disease ecology, transmission, and epidemiology.
2. Studies of clinical spectrum and management of disease.

-Closing/Found /Website information: Detailed information of call for proposal, include: application and assessment process, assessment criteria and deadline of proposal submission, is attached and available at WHO Indonesia Country Office Website. 

Text 3
-Opening/Found/Title: We are proud to announce
We outgrew our old place

-Contents/Found/Inform address, inform the changes, and phone number: Our new address is:
NeoSys Computer Store
Jl. Melati Utara No. 14
Lumajang – 67316
Our old store becomes our new
NeoSys Service Centre
Same address
Same phone number
Quality for the unmatched performance

-Closing/Found/Contact information: Contact us:

Text 4
-Opening/Not found 

-Contents/Found/Inform the date and information: Starting from 1st January 2018, we open branches in several big cities such as Medan, Denpasar, Lombok, and Makassar. It allows the administrative aspect of our business to be conducted in regional locations. It is hoped that we will be able to meet closely with customers and stores in a more effective manner. 

-Closing/Not found  

Activity 2
1. TEXT A/True
2. TEXT B/False 
3. TEXT C/False 
4. TEXT D/True 
5. TEXT E/True 

Activity 3
-Text 1/Informing the people of Georgetown about the opening of a Suit Shop in a new venue./The announcement came from J.Crew Store. The opening will be in April, 2013. The shop will offer more of men’s and women’s, weddings and parties collection.

-Text 2/Informing about a research that is soon to be held, a research on clinical disease, virology and epidemiology of H5N1 in Indonesia/WHO requested the research. Detailed information of call for proposal, include: application and assessment process, assessment criteria and deadline of proposal submission, is attached and available at WHO Indonesia Country Office Website. 

-Text 3/NeoSys Computer Store has moved to a new place./The old place became a service center, the phone stays the same. It is informed by NeoSysCom.

-Text 4/Opening of new branches in big cities/The details are not informed. They only inform the purpose of the new branches.


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