My Goals

Hello. I'm Dhafin. I'm 17 years old. I am an 11th grader studying in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. I have a brother, his name is Gemma. He is now studying at SMP Negeri 2 Bandung. My brother likes to play soccer. I don't like soccer that much but I don't hate it too. I still enjoy it whenever I play soccer with my friends. I just hate when people are embarrassing me because I'm not that good at soccer. I mean I obviously good at something else. Maybe those people just haven't know that yet.

My friends said that I'm smart, even compared to average SMA Negeri 3 Bandung student. But I don't think I'm smarter then them though. In fact, I am okay being 'not that smart', as long as the knowledge I have bring many benefits to my surroundings. Maybe the reason why I have relatively good marks at school is not just because I'm smart, but I think I'm also lucky enough. I also have unique point of view towards learning something. I want to understand them because solving a hard problem or question is just not enough for me. I mean, you will mostly forgot about the hard question after an exam, but the concept of the knowledge will stick forever. I don't mind understanding the concept deeply but being relatively slow on solving questions. My mother always told me that if I understood the concept of the subject, I would be able to solve all questions no matter how hard they are.

My weakness is I think I have low self-confidence. I don't know why but since in kindergarten, I was known as a shy kid. I have no friends at that time. But now I feel an improvement in my social skills. I feel that getting to know someone new is hard, but every people we met are lessons, we can learn from their experiences, point of view, even meet another new people. I'm also bad at sports compared to the other guys, but since in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung there are a lot of people who are worse than me, so I don't think it is a problem. I don't regret anything that has happened to my life, my weaknesses won't be a setback for me to be a better person because I know that I have many abilities that not every people have.

My hobby is reading books. Because compared to movies, I think books are more interesting because everyone has their own imagination towards the book while movies are the realization of the movie director's imagination. I also joined extracurricular in my school such as the student council or popularly known as OSIS, DKM Al-Furqon, and Trilogi.

I hope after I graduated from highschool, I can continue my study to a subject that I want in university. I'm still confused though what program will I take. I think that's all for today. Thank you for reading.


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